This weekend Eric and I went to a bullfight, here in Jaen. It was a charity event, with some pretty big names I guess making an appearance. We had heard our fair share of people pointing out the negatives of it all (the bulls are all drugged up, hallucinating, torture of the bulls as they are wailing in pain, etc.), but I for one wanted to check it out myself.
Needless to say, the show was pretty interesting. There was a total of 7 bulls over a 3 hour show. The first bull consisted of a matador on a horse, shoving small spear-like things into its neck/back (from on top of the horse), and later trying to "peg" on smaller spears, more of a challenge since they have to get closer to the bull. Later, he dismounted, did his ole thing, and this is all culminated by the matador, positioning himself directly in front of the bull, raise his sword, and thrust it into the neck/back (much like the first picture here on the left). The sword is about 2 feet long I would say and it goes all the way in...at least on this one it did. He was the only bull to drop instantaneously. Later, one of the extra matadores (matadores in training who are around the ring with pink sheets throughout the show), then shoves a small spike into the back of the skull, thus killing it. Then, two horses come out and drag the bull out of the ring, much to the delight of the crowd.
The second matador, who was one of the most impressive, fit the stereotypical matador..minus the glitsy outfit. Tight pants, hat, sword, red sheet, and moved around artistically as the bull would race after him time after time. These last 6 bulls were killed in a different manner than the first. The bull would race out, a training matador would do its thing on it for a minute or so, the bull would then attack one of the 2 horses in the ring now (who are in full armor since the bull essentially rams into it while the horseman spears it in the back. This is said to tire the bull out and to start the bleeding) Now, two other matadores in training, would position themselves in the middle of the ring, and as the bull races towards them, they would dodge it and drove the tips of two spear like things into its back. This is what is always hanging off the back of the bull in the pictures. There are 4 spears stabbed in like this. Then, the matadore of the show, enters, does his thing for 10 minutes, very fancy, very artistic, teasing the bull hera and there and at times, quite impressive considering it is a 1000 lbs beast with a few centimeters of them. (at one point, one of the matadores let the bull pass, and as it came around again, the matadore stepped in front of it and proceeded to run backwards, with his hand on the bulls head, for a good 10 seconds while the bull would continue running..) But after the artistic flare part, he grabs his sword, positions himself, and thrusts the sword in.

However, out of these last 6 bulls, none of the dropped instantaneously. They would continue struggling, eventually begin to tire (and of coure, the interior bleeding all the while killing them), then collapse. It is part of the game of after thrusting the sword in, to see if you do indeed drop it. If not, you wait and judge to see if another blow is needed. At times the matadore was ready to strike again as the bull was just sitting there, but then the bull would begin to swagger, blood would rush out of its nose, and then collapse. And then the spike thing happens, eventually killing it.
One more twist, after the bull is dragged out, everyone starts waving a white piece of cloth. The president of the bull fighting who is in attendance, then shows one, two, or three pieces of cloth. Essentially, this is to show how good of a show it was. For one and two pieces of white cloth from the president, the ears are sawed off. If it is really good, which the 4th matadore was, the 3rd piece of cloth is shown and the tail is then sawed off. Then, the matadore walks aroud the stadium, to a standing ovation and proceeds to throw the ears into the lucky people in the audience! One little boy got the tail and he looked happier than I have ever looked at Christmas time! All the while, people are throwing anything into the stadium - flowers, shirts, hats, etc. - and the matador then throws it back to the audience (and the audience then gives it back to the person eventually..) This is to show appreciation for the fight...
So, I hope I have depicted this even quite accurately. It is quite the spectacle but definitely not for the weak-stomached. To see a 1000 lbs animal, crumble to the ground and then have a spike driven can be disturbing at times. And the blood-drenched back is hard for some. I am not quite sure of the consequences of each sword and stake used, but Eric and I imagined that the sword would be driven vital organs, thus causing internal bleeding and slow death. Hence, why 3-5 minutes may go by before the bull eventually falls after the sword is driven in by the matadore. And the stake is to finish it off, and Eric believes the brain stem is severed...or something to that detail since the bull turns over and is rigid-like.
Please don't jump to conclusions about this sport, or event. I am sure outsiders could view many north american spectacles as horrific to animals and to people. Take it as it is - a different custom that has been around for centuries, and part of their culture.
My last week here...crazy to believe it and it will go by so fast..