Friday, March 10, 2006

University classes

Hello all
I have had the opportunity this week to join a few univeristy classes. I have met a few profs on my own, and they have let me teach 2 classes this week, and more for next week and then the week following. As well, I have observed a few other English classes and one French classes. Really useful to see a person with more experience handle their class, the material and little things they do while teaching.

The teaching last night went well. Similar to the high school situation by taking a text from the text book, reading it and discussing it. On a whole, there were some students whose English was very good and contributed regularly. But, there was the odd student who didn´t comprehend what I was saying or what the text was suggesting. They were 2nd year University students so that did come as a bit of a shock. But, a good experience overall since it was nice to talk to some students who were more mature, and some were my age or older. And oddly enough, a few guys from my University Residence were in the class. I'll have to ask them at lunch what they thought of the class. I didn't have an issue with the older students surprisingly, as it worked out well..they were less shy than other people to contribute. Always funny with the languages. I guess you can never escape the mentality of students to be reluctant to contribute in another language. I am getting better at encouraging them to speak which is very useful for me.

I am off to Barcelona this weekend for a concert with my friend Kristin from Murcía. Very very excited but a lot of traveling time to do and hopefully I can do some planning during the 8 hr train ride there and back on Saturday and Sunday..but realistically, I don't think so.

Next weekend have 3-4 more classes with University people, some observing, one participating in with the language assistant and the other two teaching. Should be great....and don't worry, still keeping up at the high school. Always good times...

Take care all


At 3/12/2006 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Godson,
Enjoyed reading your last few blogs. Glad to see that you are taking in as many sights as possible and that you are taking advantage of observing and teaching at the university.

Spent Sun to Thurs in Vegas with Rock, Dan, MK, Renee, Sam (who is very thin), Jack, Susan, Sarah and Katherine. Had a great time but the motto is "What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas." With that wild bunch you can just imagine.

Must run as I am walking to church and will meet your dear mother there.

Back on soon.
Love, Love, Love, Auntie Karen

At 3/16/2006 3:28 AM, Blogger adaminsingapore said...

Auntie Karen
Glad to hear that you made it to Vegas and returned safely. Going to church right after....hmmm.

University teaching is a great experience and very fortunate to have made some connections here with some good people.

Say hi to the family for me


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