update...I know, 3 months late
Hello everyone, (or at least my father since he still reads this)
Just to give you a quick update on where I am and at right now. Still in Singapore teaching and the first semester is almost done. It has been a great semester with a fantastic classes with only a few challenges here and there. Definitely more confident dealing with my teaching and planning for the class. I enjoy the liberty to do what I can when I want and to try different things that I see here and there. Such a great profession and I still enjoy it immensely.
I've enjoyed a few travels here and there. This month, I went down to surprise May in Sydney for a weekend and it was a fantastic surprise for both of us. It was a great long weekend for us and I hope that I didn't mess with her exams too much. Also, I went to Manila a few weekends ago for an ultimate frisbee tournament with the team I play for in Singapore. It was a super fun time, incredibly tiring from playing and no sleep, but great to see the Philippines again as I really do think they are some of the kindest people I know. A guy from another team let me and 4 other guys stay with him. Since we chose the red-eye flight out o
n Friday, didn't arrive until Sat morning @ 5am, drove to his place for breakfast, went straight to disc right after, played all day, came back by 8pm, and then we went out for dinner with out team and out to a party after that. And began to play again at 8am on Sunday. It was an awesome experience and we lost on the semis to the eventual winners. A wicked first overseas tournament for me.

The following photos are of my two beautiful nieces. Anna, older by 3 months, is the one with all of the hair. She is doing fantastically with her and her parents in Tokyo. She has started eating and I can't wait until she is here for Christmas. Matt, Yuko and Anna will be here for 7 days over Christmas and it will be great.
The one in the jolly jumper is little Haley, whom I get to see at least once a week with
our weekly dinners and play dates. She is awesome and grows bigger each week. She is getting more animated and playful which is great for me. She leaves next week for her big debut in Canada with her parents. I would be more upset if I didn't have her cousin coming down to visit me and taking her place as my niece in Singapore.

Along with my brother and his family coming down for Christmas, May arrives on the 22nd and will stay until February as she is on her Summer break from Uni. Her first year has come and gone and it has been great to have her so close. (Yes, in long distance relationships, 8hrs by airplane is close as well as only a 3 hour time difference) Also, I met up with an old roommate Scott whom I went to school with in Lethbridge for 3 years and we had some good times. He is in Manila teaching so we will have him here for some time I think. Also, Matt's friends who live in Vietnam are coming through for Christmas before they head to Thailand for New Years. Also, he has another friend from Tokyo coming down with him for a few days and spending it with us. Should be a full house during my first Christmas away.
Also, May and I plan to go to Manila for New Years. It will be a great time with her and her family there as they are such incredible hosts. I can't wait to be done school and begin my holidays knowing that all of these exciting things will begin soon.
Take care all and drop by whenever you are in SE Asia
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