Thursday, May 03, 2007

April holidays PICS

Hello all, here are some pictures of May and I's adventure through NZ and Australia.
The first one is of May and I with our tickets to Ben Harper. Fabulous show and outstanding night. The one on the right, is Mark and I before we entered into Waitaimo caves, where the glow worms were. Cool visit and fun times.

Here is a view of the Blue Mountains that May and I visited. Great scenery and it was good to see my colleague Bruce and his home there.

May and I outside the Sydney Opera house. We had some really good dinners on the harbour and it was quite nice to be walking around there. A very nice area
The one on the left is of Mark and I at Piha, which was a beautiful beach north of Auckland. We had a relaxing time viewing the beach and playing frisbee and laughing. The picture on the right is of our dinner out in Auckland. Lots of laughs there with our Argentinian waiter. And yes, Mark deliberately put on a white shirt so we could be twins!

I hope you enjoyed the pics. Really a great time and I was quite fortunate to enjoy it with some good people


At 5/15/2007 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very good phots Adam. I am glad that you posted them before the gray hairs appeared- ie it takes you a long time. Good to see May's and Marks's smiling faces. Thank-you-lpdy


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