here are updated pics of CADIZ and some hikes and nightlife in the Jaen folder (as well as a visit to the Nature reserve from last week)
Take care
(my shortest entry ever...there you go all you people saying that they are too long..)
Dear Adam, I don't find your entries too long at all. and the pictures are great. glad you are having such a good time. miss your happy smiling face though. but know its a while till I see you. lots of love, MnMqvypq
The educational quality seems to be missing in your writing. It sounds like a party/vacation/traveling major you are taking. Definitely not a teaching practicum.
Trust all is well, lpdy
I believe this practicum is a cultural / international experience therefore I find it my duty to experience as much traveling and nightlife as possible. The educational value is there, but I´m keeping the comments to a minimum since I don´t want to bore you in your last few days before retiring by talking about streaming, pedogagical techniques, and student behaviour.
Good luck with the last 20,
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