Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Jack and Barcelona

Here is my boy, Jack Johnson. For all of you that don't know him, he is an American artist with a good little sound. I ventured off this weekend to Barcelona to see him play Saturday night. A lot of traveling time (10 hrs there and back) but he was well worth it. Such a good artist live, and his opening bands - Matt Costas and ALO (who features the pianist from Jack's band..very talented musician) were both very good. It was a rather small venue. In the same stadium from the '92 olympics in Barcelona, it filled the floor and most of the seating in the first row. Really great since we managed to end up front row, a bit to his right. Maybe 30 feet from him and the stage. Great for Kristin who came since she is a little shorter so she loved actually seeing him! And, two Scottish gals asked if they could stand in front of me as they thought I could see from anywhere in the crowd! I complied and they were quite fun gals.

We met, or I should say Kristin met, one of the few spaniards who were there. The audience composed mostly of foreigners - Americans on exchanges, French and other nationalities. The spaniards just explained that Jack isn't that big in Spain, or at least to spaniards. Unfortunately there were a few American gals (4 of them and then one guy later) who really irritated the crowd around us, and the Scottish gals. In my view, they were being quite obnoxious, dancing around, a little drunk, and bumping into people non-stop. Of course, they argued they were just having a good time but others didn't see it that way. Nor did I. Very arrogant of them and obnoxious. But what can you do. Too bad since I'm sure some people will remember those Americans and group most Americans under that umbrella..which I can attest isn't true for all of our neighbors to the South. Anyways, we went with out with the Spaniards after for a drink in Barcelona and it was nice to meet them. I was quite tired and out of it so Kristin did most of the conversing. Thanks Kristin!

We walked around the rest of the night, sticking to the main roads as the Spaniards warned us of some gangs that are in Barcelona, and other major cities in Spain. Which was a good thing since we had planned to go to the Barrio Gothic (an older part full of Gaudi pieces and other interests) but they advised against it. And after asking some more students today at school, there are some rival gangs in Spain. The Latin Kings and the Netas. Very dangerous at times as the stories go.

I eventually left Barcelona Sunday morning around 8am, and after pulling an all nighter...alright, a few naps here or there on a park bench and in the train station. Good to nap on the train but when I was awake, it is quite the scenery here in Spain. From the awesome Mediterranean ocean along the coast - Barcelona and Valencia, and then into the interior full of fields. Closer to the south, we approached some mountain ranges, or Sierras. And typical to Jaen and its province (Andalucia), the olive tree farms were abundant as I approached home. Very diverse as I saw throughout my train rides this weekend. What a country..

Time is winding down fast. The next two weeks are my last, and I'm trying to organize some fun classes. For the older ones, we might do some educational two-stepping. Teach them a few moves here and there and a line dance, country style. Nothing like exposing them to some cultural Albertan dancing. Headed to the University almost every day to teach a few classes here and there, as well as have night classes for Spanish. And then there are some classes I'm assisting with, some conversational classes. I've found a few language partners to practice my Spanish, and their English. So, things are shaping up to be quite busy for the last 3 weeks. It is a shame that the month of February was the University's exam week as I would have liked to had the opportunity to participate like this the whole time we were here. But, all you do is enjoy what is left right.

And on top of all this stuff, still have Las Fallas this weekend in Valencia for 4 days. Going to be quite the show as they say it is better than Cadiz, the huge carnival at the end of February that I went to.

Take care and for those Jack fans, enjoy the pics on the yahoo link.



At 3/15/2006 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow Adam i cant imagine you going to watch Jack! Were girls screaming for you as well because we all know how much you look alike. You couldnt set foot in l-town without girls screaming we love you jack and singing banana pancakes back at you!!!!

"they must have painted the streets red with burgandys blood"

At 3/24/2006 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is this Rod Burgandy impersonator..if you don't tell me, I am going to punch you in the ovaries...yup, right in the baby-maker


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