May and I have parted ways with Pam and have ventured down to Greece. Pam heads home today from Venice and spent the last 6 days in Cinqueterra after May and I left. Lots of 20 question games and good times traveling with MAy's friend with lots of good experiences. After spending 10 days in Italy with Pam, a few in Rome, a few in Tuscany (which were all quite rain-filled but since we have had beautiful weather up until this point, can't really complain), and the last 3 days in Cinqueterra (highly recommend to those who are thinking of traveling around Italy in the future), we spent a day in Venice, which was also very unique. Italy was great, super kind people and really good food. We had excellent gelati (ice cream..) every day, thanks to May and her urges, and super cheap pizzas and pastas. And great mussels in Cinqueterra (Monterosso more specifically) which we haven't found an equivalent of yet.
A 30 hour ferry ride later, we arrived in Patras, spent the night and then ventured to Athens. We decided to go right down into the Cyclades, Santorini more specifically, and have been here for 2 nights already. We plan to stay here until next Monday and really just relax and hang out. We have our own studio/room, with a little balcony area for meals (we've eaten breakfast out there the last 2 mornings) and a kitchen in which we successfully made a little spaghetti meal out of last night. Nice to finally make our own meal instead of always eating out. Great food all over but it is nice to have a settling down feel. We're off on a little tour today to the hot springs, volcano and another island. Should be fun. We rented bikes for the week and that should be our transportation and we plan on renting a moped for a day or two eventually.
Next week we're up to Oia, another village on a cliff though, as oppose to Perissa which is all beach front. We really beat the rush as there are only a few tourists here and there and I imagine by the end of the month, this place will be crawling with people for the rest of summer. Good thing we're here while we are!
I guess that is all for now. Just relaxing and enjoying the time as we are off to the Philippines on the 25th of this month (we part ways on the 19th as I fly out of Frankfurt and May, London).
Take care
Hey Adam,
Good to hear you are having a good time still!! Cristy and I got back home four nights's good to be back. Although, I am slightly jealous that you went to was in our plans but we ran out of time! Take Care and enjoy the rest of your travels.
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