Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Hello all,
First of all, thanks to those who have been responding. It is great to hear from you all (note to family...especially number 2...can we keep the posts about my big butt and girl life to a minimum..this is an educational blog and if necessary, I can delete your comments. Just a warning..) No keep the coming everyone, great to hear from you all. Good luck to the other students who have been arriving the last couple of days to their places (Magdeburg and Leeds)

Jaen is a gorgeous place. So Spain like Owen pointed out (he was here last year on this project and as I´ve heard over the last few days, a legend of a sort. Incredible scenery and old buildings that are just fantastic. So much history and culture.

I start my teaching next Monday and am looking forward to meeting the teachers and students and facing the challenge and excitement of teaching again. Great to meet the people who are here in Jaen from other schools (SFU and Univ of Regina).

I will hopefully be able to load up some pictures sometime next week so don´t worry P-rab. They´re definitely some incredible pictures..or at least I think! Have already begun planning some trips to surrounding places - Granada, Sevilla, Murcia, Malaga and hopefully Morocco..sorry about some of the spelling.

The spanish is coming along..everyday is a challenge and I look forward to the schools as the university liaisons all speak english which is comforting but definitely need to work on my spanish. We are staying in a residency affiliated with the Univeristy in the older part of time, about 2 blocks away from the incredible Cathedral here. Beginning to talk to more and more students which is needed...really good guys here. All attend the university so are pretty much similar in age. Even played some soccer with them today which was a hoot.

Well, I should get going but thanks again to all the peeps sending word back and I look forward to hearing more about stuff. (on a completely unrelated sidenote, I was voted Dude of the Month on my friends website which is the "stitchface" link on the page..check it out...)

Take care


At 1/10/2006 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Turner
Did I just get reprimanded? My apologies, I was unaware this was so serious considering your earliest posts (See Best Friend KAelan). I will try to refrain from poking fun at you.
Good luck, keep up the good work, and don't get all serious on us!


At 1/10/2006 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adam

I am so excited for you - you are going to have such an amazing time. Glad that you have arrived safely.

Luke and I had a great time in South Africa - he is still there.

Regarding looking for jobs in Europe - we are not in favour of that - don't let the blow from CIS stop you from considering Singapore - we have a guest room with your name on it. Keep us in mind - we would love to have you here (as would all of my friends!).

Lots of love,



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