Friday, January 06, 2006

one more thing about spain..

I have been getting crazy stares from so many people with me wearing shorts. It is really only 3-6 degrees C so it is not that bad. But people here have face masks, huge parkas, and definitely aren´t wearing the stares are there..I guess they can tell that I´m a foreigner....but I guess Canadian weather prepared me well..

And it finally rained no shorts..will rain all weekend if I heard the news correctly...that could be completely off given my improficiencies in spanish but we´ll find out soon


At 1/06/2006 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you were crazy for wearing your shorts here in Lethbridge. I am not surprised the Spainish think you're crazy as well.
Glad to hear all is going well so far.

At 1/06/2006 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mom and MAtt say hello. glad to hear you're having fun and practicing your spanish. good for you for touring and taking in a little culture, it might do you well. mom saw one of your old flames today--Leah NOwak (Hope May-May isn't reading this...) she says hello. I've also been talking to Mrs. Hobbs at AE BOWers. she's still in love with you and hopes that you and JEnny someday get together. you still got it gimpy! (from mom- MAtt is an idiot...she's a little tired so just ignore her)
anyways, take care buddy, hope you enjoy your practicum, and stay safe.
lots of love
#2 and Mom

At 1/08/2006 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adam. Great to hear you are enjoying your time in Spain..I should've warned you about the small little Tapas style meals..I loved them, but you're right they take a little getting used to. Good luck with teaching and keep up the updates..they're great!

At 1/08/2006 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey adam,
hard too believe that only a couple weeks ago we were battling for supremacy of the star wars universe letting the dice fall where they may....Madrid sounds pretty cool but you gotta start taking some pictures of this stuff if you got a digital camera on you... Keep postin and i hope all goes well..
stay safe


At 1/09/2006 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,
Funny stuff thinking a year ago I was doing the same thing... you're in for one hell of an adventure... Jaen is the real deal Spain... I'm in Melbourne, Aus, now where the weather isnt as nice so I'm heading north in a few days... ciao...


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