Sunday, January 01, 2006

It has begun...

Well, I leave in a little under 3 exciting. Cannot wait to not being able to communicate...such a challenge and look forward to it! I spend a week in Madrid until heading down with Eric, the other U of L student who is participating in this program to Jaen, on Sunday...then the whole teaching thing begins.

Take care all and until the next time when I'm updating this in Spain...


At 1/01/2006 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey buddy, well you are finally on your way. I know it's scary, exciting, worrysome, and thrilling all at the same time. However it all goes, i know it will be an awesome experience for you. Keep on practicing your whistling, I know Dad looks forward to the next time he sees you to see if you've learned how to whistle!
Sorry I didn't have any inspirational words for you this morning, but I am proud of you. I know you'll have an awesome time in Spain and in your travels around Europe. Take care of yourself, keep this site updated, and I look forward to seeing you when I see you next. Lots of love for you big butt...:)

At 1/02/2006 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

adam, unlike your brother, my inspirational words are, do not come back married!
Trust you are closer to your destination, safe and sound. Just take care, GB. pdy

At 1/03/2006 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought you were going to update this once you arrived? we know you're there, but still no updates. people are anxious to know if you made it safe and sound...

ps-you should update your opening line. elsewhere is spelled wrong...

Your favorite #2 brother

At 1/05/2006 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Enjoy your here often or I will get bored and will forget who you are. You know me and my zero attention span...

Enjoy the Spanish 'scenery'...

And we've officially had our planning meeting for Germany and it's a go. Plane tickets to be bought in within the next two weeks, so we'll see you in Switzerland. Dates are June 7 until June 25...We're going regardless of whether we get tickets or not...


At 1/06/2006 11:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Adam,
I hope all is well with you. I can't believe you are there already and that I'm leaving in 4 days!! I can hardly wait!
Take 'er easy!!


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