Friday, January 06, 2006

finally in Spain

Hello all
I hope life is treating you well wherever you are..some are back in school, others are starting practicums and such and some are going back to work..

I finally arrived in Madrid late Monday night, found my hostel no problem and stayed there for 2 nights. Toured around for 2 days seeing the big sights like the Prado museum, thyssen-Born..(spelling) museum, parque de Buen Retiro (A big park that is somewhat central park like but not nearly as big but with lots of great statues). The next day, I saw the royal palace which blew me away by its immensity and grandness. Each room was incredibly extravagant indicating how much money they spent back in the day on the royalty..crazy though.

Have been walking around lots and luckily my ankle and knee are holding up!!! Yesterday I went to Segovia (North of Madrid) and saw the Roman aqueducts..simply amazing. They stretch for almost a km and at a good 20 meters high. To think that the Romans build this all without modern tools that we would have blows your mind as you´re staring at the grandeur of it. Then there is an amazing cathedral and a castle which was awesome. Unfortunately, today (friday the 6) is Epiphany, which I am told is the equivalent of Spaniards Christmas. This is where presents are exchanged and holidays are. So, the castle and church closed down before I got around to them so I did come home early from there. But I did catch a parade through the streets of Madrid in honour of Epiphany..loads of people and great festive atmosphere. Bands playing in the streets, street entertainers..loads of fun. Have one more day in Madrid before Eric comes to town and then we´ll head down to Jaen to begin the practicum thing. Really glad I came a week early to see Madrid as it is an incredible city. I loved walking around all day, down narrow streets and seeing all the different plazas and churches, and then history of everything. Great to be here..

Well, should get going. Have almost adjusted to eating little meals all day instead of the typical 3-meal thing that I´ve been use to. So, I need to go catch something. One note, I´ve been incredibly fortunate to meet Palbo, a buddy of Tim´s who I play volleyball with in Lethbridge. Pablo has shown me around town the last two nights and is even letting me stay in his place until I leave on Sunday..saves a couple of euros with no hostels!! So very kind of him. Great to get his insight of Spanish lifestyle and he explains so much that I didnt´know about his culture and such..

take care all and hope this finds you all well,


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