a quick update
Hello all,
Well, at the urging of my father who needs some reading to take up time in his retired life, here is a quick update from my end. The time at home during the holidays was well spent. Good times with the family and it was nice to catch up with people. As well, it was quite enjoyable to have the time off from teaching. Really enjoy the job but it is always nice to get a break.
But I am back at school and the first month has gone by. Great to be back teaching and things are full swing with so many things going on. Never a dull moment and it keeps you on your toes! Singapore is great and I have started playing ultimate frisbee on Sundays to take up my day. It is a great sport and I am learning lots as I go - hopefully my team keeps on having patience with me.
Only have a few travel plans to update you on. May is coming down in February for 2 weeks and we are going to Langkawi, Malaysia for my 4 day weekend. She is on her way to Sydney to begin school there so she is stopping by for a bit. Will be a great time - still working on the accomodation part but I think we will relive Europe a bit and just go there and see if we can find a good place! oh the good times....
And I will head to New Zealand for April break to see my brother Marky. Look forward to it as I haven't seen him for over a year and have always wanted to see NZ. He says it is great so must be something...
As I said, not much new. Just giving my father something to read, and to update the people that still read this. I hope life is treating you all well and that you are making the most of what is going on.
Take care and best of luck,