Thailand and visitors
Hello family, friends and other visitors
I hope all is well in your area of the world and that life is treating you well.
Things continue to treat me well here in Singapore. Teaching is fantastic still - approaching reports in 3 weeks so I have to get started on that. Lucky I only have 11 students to write them for - will definitely save on time! Getting more and more comfortable with teaching - learning different things that work or not every day and trying new things here and there. I'm sure the students at times are a little mystified but heh, good thing we get along so they don't realize my teaching skills are very raw!
Ang Roe (a sister of a good friend of mine) came through with a friend of hers for 4 days last week. They arrived late Sunday night and then left Weds night. A few late nights while they were here (well, late for me - almost midnight!) but it was good to see some familiar faces. Toured around little India and went to the night safari (the zoo at night) - my second visit in 2 weeks. They had some awesome travelling stories as they had just spent 7 weeks in Australia and were even in Thailand for coup - their time was cut short so they have spent the last week there. I think we might meet up in Cambodia as I'm headed there in a month to kick off my holidays in December. Cannot wait - am very excited.
Luke and I joined 10 other guys and we went to Phuket this last weekend. One of the things of beauty about Singapore - leave Friday night, an hour and a half away and you're at a beach resort in Thailand. We had a really good time on Friday night - fairly late out touring around and seeing the different sights of Asia. Always amazed at how gorgeous the lady boys look like down here. Have shown all my visitors the lady boys of Asia and they doubt me as well (even went on a school night to the local area here in Singapore - still tons of people there). It is definitely an interesting dynamic of some Asian cultures. Makes you look at my own culture, and others I have seen, in different ways. Always good to have different perspectives right?
Quite humourous since the purpose of our trip to Phuket with the 10 other guys was to kick off the first international tournament of Killer Bee. (I know this game isn't very popular to many people outside of Singapore and area since it was brought here by a Canadian teacher from the Maritimes..) It is a game involving discs and a beach. Teams of however many people (3-6) or more... Basically, one team lines up 30 feet away with their backs to the other team while the other team lines up and tries to hit the other person with the frisbee. You get points for hitting and such. Play about 9 innings of throwing back and forth and that is your game. Actually quite amusing since it is a tense 30 seconds just waiting for a disc to hit you - always makes you jump a bit when you do get hit, especially if you have the misfortune of getting hit in the head, or hard in the back, knee or anywhere really. But, that is what our Sat and Sun afternoons consisted of - playing on the beach, go swimming, then come back for more. Quite an easy lifestyle when it is possible to escape to the beach like that and spend your time like that, for relatively cheap. One of the many perks of this gig down here.... Also get to play in a dodgeball tourney this weekend. Can't wait
Am looking forward to my first month or so of having my place to myself. I haven't been alone for more than 2 weeks since the visitors have come through. Always good to see them but will be nice to just relax...wait, guess there are those reports that I have to work on at night!
Joined a basketball league and am playing every Tuesday and Sunday. The ultimate frisbee league hasn't really panned out as they aren't starting the league until January ... supposedly. But I do manage to play on Sundays if I'm not away.
Well, just thought I'd give a quick update. Am headed home for the holidays come DEc 15th. I make a 5 day stopover in Japan to see Matt and Yuko but after that, am home for 2.5 weeks. Will be nice to see the family and whoever else I can meet up with.
Take care all and hope life is treating you well,