Sunday, September 10, 2006

Still lovin' it

Yup, still enjoying my time here. Teaching is still fantastic, settling in nicely to some routines and such and just generally enjoying how things are going. Of course, they roll so smoothly because I have been fortunate with how things have panned out - the school is awesome to teach at, Luke and Dalia are great to me and they have lots of good friends who actually hang with me too so it makes the transition to a new city a little easier.

Getting into lots of different sports too - played in my first ultimate frisbee game and tournament. (for those of you who don't know, ultimate frisbee is basically throwing a disc to the other 6 people on your team, you go from one end to the other, once you catch it you can't run with it and must get rid of it within 10 seconds, if you drop a pass or throw it out of bounds, it is the other teams possession...those are the essentials) Pretty fun - we played with a buddy of Luke who came down with some people from KL (Kuala Lumpur) and it was a good time. We didn't do very well but I had a good time learning the game and meeting some more people. Quite a tiring game as it is a lot of running around (played for about an hour, or first to 13 points) but normally there are lots of subs (we only had 9 guys, and 4 play at a time) so I am a little sore today. But definitely good times. I even organized my next trip in a month - I have a week off during the first week of October and am going to head up to KL to visit Luke's buddy Steve. Will stay with him and then probably get a few bus trips to some cool coastal towns. He has been there for a year or so and knows a few good spots.

Also met a couple that lived in Eastern Europe for a bit (Bulgaria)...would love to do that eventually. Awesome to meet people from the different parts of the world. So much to see and do - just makes me want to pursue so many different possibilities.

Am looking at a place to move into by the end of the month. Have only seen one place but hopefully will see some more in the next week or so, then I'll make the decision. It has nothing to do with Luke and Dalia - they are outstanding to live with. I just want to live on my own. The school gives me a great housing allowance so I mine as well use it right? Am excited at the possibility and it will be good to have my own place. Deciding between what features to think about - close to this and that, need this and that....oh to think this time of year, I usually start another University year. My have things changed!

I have my first visitor coming in October - Enrique (who I stayed with in April in Spain - he had the wonderful family who lived in Teruel and put up May, Pam and I for a weekend) is coming to visit for a few weeks. Also, Angie, the sister of my good friend Adam, is stopping in for a few days. So for those who did get those casual invites to come to SE Asia and stop by and see me, I am serious. Singapore is a nice break if you are travelling around the many other Asian countries and you get free accomodation here so why not?

Other news, the Turner family is expecting its first grandchild (nephew/niece for us uncles). Matt and Yuko announced over the last few weeks that they are expecting. Congratulations to them - guess I will have to make a visit up there next summer. We are all pretty excited here and it even works out well with the visit of the family next May - Daniel, Dad and John were already planning something and now they can even work in a visit to see the new baby. Good timing!

But, I should get something to eat. Take care all with whatever life is throwing at you all and enjoy it to the fullest.