3 weeks in
Hello those of you that still check this,
Well, it has been 3 weeks since arriving and all is well. I now have 2 years under my belt and so far, so good. It has been awesome teaching every day, to finally have my own class to work with and do stuff with. One thing I always felt in teaching practicums that I did at U of L is that it was never mine to completely decide. Nothing about the teachers I was with, they were wonderful - it was how it was. Whereas now, we do what we do when we can. Of course, this comes with its own other perks, such as dealing with more disciplinary issues and such, but I think I am up to the task.
A very good gig here though. The staff is amazing at helping me out as a 1st year. So many resources passed on, as well as great ideas and just fantastic people. Good school too - small classes, good programme they use, etc. Really like it so far. And love the bike ride in the morning to get here - Luke and I bike every morning for 25 minutes at 6:30 am. Have to beat the traffic. But it gives a good chance to get here early, settle in before the students come.
Other than that, not much else. Going to a basketball game tomorrow - Spain vs Argentina. Should be fun. Then off to a concert this Thursday (I know, a school night) - INXS. And Friday is a BBQ at another international school that Luke is taking me to.
I now have my own bank account (that actually has some money) as well as my own phone. I know, I succumbed to the Singaporian thing. But, need a way to keep in contact somehow I guess. Played ultimate frisbee for the first time last week - quite fun. Will hopefully join a league if someone wants this first-time player. As well, hope to get set up with a vball league and maybe a bball league. Who knows..I don't know if I'll have enough time.
But, take care. I know, not much to say but just wanted to drop a post in.