Thursday, June 22, 2006


HEllo all
How is everyone? I hope life is treating you all well and that things aren't too stressful.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I did make it home yesterday, Wednesday the 21st. After almost 6 months of traveling, it is nice to be home and be with family and back home with the food and other perks (not liveing out of a bag!)
I spent a week in Germany before leaving from Switzerland on Tuesday. Frankfurt was an amazing atmosphere for the World Cup. The 3 days I was there, the streets were constantly filled with people wearing their country's jersey, waving flags, singing and chanting. Such a great atmosphere. They had two large television screens set up in the Main river running through the city and you could watch in the stands amidst thousands of other fans, all chearing and singing for their country. My brother's friend Jimmy was an excellent host and we had some good times. We even managed to catch the Oilers game last Saturday because his buddy lent us the satellite card. Was a mighty late night though...5 am finish time. Crazy.

I headed South of Frankfurt to a city called Freiburg. This city borders the Black Forest, which is it's main thing that it is know for. There, I met up a gal Inka, who was in Spain on a university exchange while I was there. As well, Conrad, who was in the same teaching exchange program to Jaen (but from SFU), arrived a day before I did after traveling around for the last 3 months, similar to me. It was great to catch up with both of them and Inka let us stay at her place. The next day, two other people that was part of the circle of friends in Jaen, arrived. Karla and Dorian lived in Jaen and went to University there. Dorian was from U of L, on a exchange and Karla was from the U of A. They were great to hang out with in Jaen and it was awesome to catch up with them as well. We spent most of Monday trying to find a place to watch game 7 with the Edmonton Oilers and we succeeded in finding an Irish pub, where the lady let us come back at 1: 30 am and sit and watch the game until 5. It was a sad end but a good time with those people.

I left for Geneva the next morning, way too early (or maybe I think that because the night before was so late). I made it there, flew out to London Gatwick, slept in the airport and then departed at 6 am. I arrived Wednesday morning to my family awaiting there. Great to see them - a lot has changed since I left. My dad has since retired and has grown a beard and my mother has lost a remarkable amount of weight. So great to see that for her.

Some of you may have known that I was going to come home middle of July roughly. I had planned to go to Eastern Europe (Czech Rep and Hungary mainly) and to stay in Europe for the electrifying atmosphere of the World Cup. (I have to admit I have become a soccer junkie over it - have watched so much soccer over the last week and will continue to do so...will be tough with the time difference though I'm sure!) Anyways, the reason why I am home earlier is because I received a teaching position at an International School in Singapore. During my 4 days in Singapore, my brother Luke managed to get me an interview at his school that he taught at last year. I went in, chatted for a bit and they offered the position. It is a grade 5 class, about 15 students max and will hopefully coach and teach a few language classes. I am super excited as my hopes of teaching overseas look like they will begin in Singapore. I will live with Luke and his wife Dalia for the first little bit and we'll see what happens after that. I'm walking into an amazing situation being just out of University. Great setup, have a solid connection to help me adjust to living there, Luke just taught grade 5 so his references are all accessible, and the staff seems awesome. I really believe it was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Their position opened up about a month ago and they knew through Luke that I was interested and passing through. Again, good fortune is on my side.

So, I am home for about a month. Have to be back down there around the 19th fo July so I am busy organizing stuff here, passports and such. Hope to see as many people as I can before I depart again but time will tell.

Take care all,
For those interested, I should have all my pictures of my travels post-April up in the next few days on my photo album through Yahoo.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A little touch of Asia

Hey all
I hope all is well with everyone back at home. I arrived safely to the humidity and heat of the Philippines a little over 2 weeks ago. Good flight and caught up on some movies that I had missed. Good ol' Singapore Airlines!
May and her cousin met me at the airport and then went back to her uncle and aunts place an area of Manila, Marikina. Their house was wonderful; I had my own room and bathroom while her family that arrived later that night were all sharing rooms. Right away, Filipinos were living up to their incredible hospitility that I was told about. Saw lots of Manila - her aunt and son showed us around. We were really lucky to have all of our meals prepared and have drivers to go everywhere (and with AC). Went up to Tagatay, a gorgeous place where there was a volcano crater with water all around. Had lunch looking out onto it. Had lots of traditional Filipino meals - rice with everything, so much seafood, pig feet, ox tail, and an endless selection of fruit. Fresh mango and pineapple with almost every meal. So delicious.

We made our way out to Boracay for 4 days after 4 days in Manila. Was excited to go since two good friends lived and worked there for a year or so. After arriving, we found the place that Mrs. Diaz, May's mother, had reserved. Turned out to be fairly lackluster. We quickly found another place that was cozy - our own kitchen area, two big rooms with mattresses on the groun to accomodate us 5 (May, her mum, John and Mark - her bros, and me...I know, intruding in the family time!). Mrs. Diaz cooked often - crab the first night from the fish market nearby, pork chops another time, and always rice. So delicious though.. One day we rented a boat for an island tour..tried catching fish using fishing wire wrapped around a bottle acting as your spool, 2 hooks and shrimp as bait. Didn't catch anything but Marky caught a little guy. Then went snorkling on the other side of the island. First time - was fantastic. Awesome to see the fish - had them eating the bread out of our hands (Mrs. Diaz was mad because we brought the bag of cupcakes instead of the bad bread that she had bought ... oops! At least the fish enjoyed it!!) Then arrived on an island where we had bought a big fish and prawns and they prepared it for us. We toured around the tiny island, found the caves to visit and played around lots. May lost her sandals in the water and yours truly had to swim and get them, after waiting until the floated around to the beach..the things I do for that girl! Went home early because Mrs. Diaz wasn't feeling too good and we were pretty tired. Saw a great sunset, played around, went for some drinks and caught a band playing some tunes on the beach. The next day was pretty relaxed, went on a flying fish at night and played on the beach again during the sunset. Had a good dinner then went to Coco Mangas, where my friends Scotty and Kaelan worked. Danced and had a few drinks.

(Wow, this is going to take a while to update you guys..just to let you know, there is another week to fill you in on so you can stop reading and come back again sometime..)

Back to Manila to be pampered at her Aunts and Uncle's house. Then we were off to the province of Becal where her parents grew up in a tiny fishing village called Bagamanoc. After an hour plane ride, 2 hour 4x4 ride through the hills, we arrived on the coast. Such a cute town - was amazing to see people living 10 people in 2 rooms, content cleaning themselves in the street, and smiles all around. Was the only white guy for miles and was even the first white guy for a lot of people, especially a few of May's cute little cousins who were amazed at how my nose wasn't flat at the bridge, between the eyes. They were mesmorized for a bit while meeting me. I learned some Tagalog here and there, but May's extended family was incredible. So kind, always welcoming me. The people here were incredible - send someone out to get drinks and snacksas soon as we arrived, always hospitable. Amazing. Awesome to meet all of May's family - her mom's cousins, aunts and uncles who, 3rd and 4th cousins of May, her grandparents - such good times. Last Friday was the 60th anniversary for her dad's parents - a little ceremony and then a party. Nothing like karaoke, drinking and eating during the middle of the day in Bagamanoc. So fun. I even had a traditional barong compliments of the Diaz family who wanted this white guy to dress up so he didn't stand out too much (forget about the fact that I was the first white guy that some of these people had ever seen..) Amazing feeling that was - never had been in the position/scenario. Incredible how welcoming everyone was though - never a hint of racism except from the constant ribbing as the only white guy from May's family! jerks... Again, great food, shared a room with May and her two brothers. A few times there were water shortages so we had to use a bucket and a scooper and "dabo" - poor the water on top and clean ourselves that way. I was so proud - got through once while only using one bucket full!! Not even May and her brothers could do that! As if they're Filipinos! Couldn't swim too much because of the jellyfish in the water during the day but we did play at night one time as the sun was going down then showered in the streets. So awesome. What else..saw a cock fight (well four of them), karaoked lots, ate tons, drank a bit, played cards (learned a new Filipino game), sang Karaoke, ate, visited lots of people, experienced a few blackouts every day (they call them brown outs here..kind of humourous), karaoked...they love it there I tell ya! May's cousins were so great - good times playing basketball with the boys, hanging with everyone at the Feria (just little carnival games they had) fun. Definitely a super great time...had a blast.

Am now in Singapore, visiting Luke and Dalia. Will head back to Frankfurt this Friday and hang there for a few days, try to meet up with some people in Switzerland and Freiburg (lower Germany) then who knows.....

TAke care all