Hi all
Just dropping in a post since it has been a couple of weeks. My last week of school - 4 more days of official university classes. So crazy to look back on the 5 years of schooling here...a little apprehensive to get out there in the real world in the summer and look for jobs. University is a good life..so easy.
The European students leave this Saturday. The next time I'll see Tomas, Jose and Cristina will be in Jaén...it is so near! less than a month until I leave, less than 2 weeks until I'm done with Lethbridge for the time being...the countdown is oh so close. And yet so much to do!
My dreams of teaching overseas took a shot last week. I received word from Singapore that they don't have a position for me there (at least at the CIS). I'll keep on applying though...and I guess that leaves Europe open for opportunities...
Other than that, just enjoying my last 2 weeks here in Lethbridge..great times, great people... (Good ol' Earls heh...)